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Scalp Flakes - Simple Remedies


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There are a few conditions which can lead to the formation of scalp flakes on our head. But, probably the most common condition which causes it is dandruff. Having an itchy and flaky scalp is a dead on sign of dandruff; and dandruff can be an embarrassing condition to have. This is the reason why a lot of people who are suffering with dandruff are constantly looking for effective ways of getting rid of it fast and effectively.

Though the use of anti-dandruff shampoo is a popular choice for treating scalp flakes, there are still a lot of simpler and cheaper remedies that can help solve the problem. One equally effective method is by the use of oils. Flakes on the scalp can sometimes be aggravated because of the dry conditions of our scalp. Thus, one way of getting rid of it is by providing it with moisture. There are a lot essential oils which also have other purposes aside from just providing moisture. One good example is the Tea Tree oil. This essential oil contains antiseptic properties, thus it can help to treat infections that may be causing flakes as well. All you have to do is massage a generous amount on your scalp and leave it on overnight before rinsing.

Apple cider vinegar is an ingredient you can easily find in the market, and can be an effective remedy for treating flakes on your scalp. Like the tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar can also be an antiseptic solution. They work by making the environment on your scalp "unpleasant" for fungi or yeast to grow on. You can mix this with other essential oils to also help provide moisture on the scalp. Like the tea tree oil, you just have to massage a generous amount of mixture on your scalp and rinse it after a few minutes.

Green tea is not only good for the body, but they have now found a way to make it useful for treating your scalp. They also work by preventing the growth of any yeast or fungi on our scalp. You just have to brew a couple of teaspoons of green tea and let it cool. Once they are cooled, massage it on your scalp and leave it on for at least 20 minutes.

When it all comes down to it, flakes on our scalp are oftentimes due to accumulation of dirt, sebum, and also dead skin cells. So aside from the remedies mentioned above, it is also important that we make it a practice to thoroughly clean our hair everyday. If you are exposed to polluted and greasy environments, then you may have to wash your hair more than once.