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Ringworm Scalp Treatment - How to Stop and Prevent Ringworm Infection


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What is a Scalp Ringworm

A scalp ringworm is actually a fungal infection of the scalp. It came to be know as such since worms traveled in laps around a short circle. The scalp ringworm is a very common infection. It causes itchy bald-looking patches on the head which can be very uncomfortable. An estimated 3 to 8 percent of the United States population is infected with scalp ringworm. The disease, also known as "tinea capitis", tends to be more common in children of ages 4 -14 due to their weakened immune system.

Causes of Scalp Ringworm

Generally, scalp ringworm is transmitted from person to person. It can be very contagious if the infected person has an open wound in the infected area. It can also be transmitted from animals. People that have a lot of contact with animals should check themselves regularly.

Ringworm Scalp Treatment

There are many over-the-counter ringworm scalp treatments that you can get at your local pharmacy. Most of these ringworm scalp treatments take about 4 weeks to completely eliminate the infection. Remedies include ointments or orally taken capsules for which you may need a prescription. Most of these ointments just require you to wash the infected part, let it dry and apply the cream.


To prevent from having to resort to ringworm scalp treatments one must:

o Not share hats, hair brushes, or anything that makes contact with your head
o Have good hair hygiene, shampoo your hair at least once a day.

If prevention has failed, the only solution is to treat the disease with a ringworm scalp treatment.