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Neem Leaves - Cure For Scalp Infections and Skin Disorders


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Neem Tree has been referred to as the "Nature's Drugstore". Every part of the tree is used in some or the other kind of medicinal preparations like the oil form the leaves of the tree is used in manufacturing soaps, the slender branches are used as teeth cleaners. The tree has numerous health benefits and is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-diabetic and anti-fertility. In this article, we would look at some of the benefits of neem on skin care and hair care.

Skin Care: Neem is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal so it keeps all kinds of skin disorders at bay if used regularly.

You can chew the leaves of the tree early in the morning accompanying it with honey. The leaves would purify your blood, build up your immune system, improves the toxin elimination process and reduce the blood sugar level which is very good for diabetics. Chewing them will clean your teeth too.
Boil its leaves in water and use the boiled water for bathing purposes. It will take care of all your skin disorders. This is a good way of maintaining hygiene in the private parts of the body and also helps get rid of bacteria responsible for body odor.
Make a paste of the leaves for a face mask. It is extremely good for clearing up acne and pimples.
Apply the neem water on any skin disorder like fungal infections or any kind of allergies. They get cleared up in a day or two.
Neem oil or water is of great relief for any kinds of skin burns or cuts.
It gives great relief from sunburns too.

Hair Care: Since the neem leaves are anti-bacterial, they can be used in getting rid of scalp infections.