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Natural Cure For Itchy Dandruff Scalp


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Dandruff can be a frustrating and embarrassing problem of the scalp. Not only does the sufferer have the stress of the embarrassment of the flakes, but also the irritation and itchiness of the scalp. It can cause an individual to become self-conscious and with draw from events with people. Finding a good natural cure for itchy dandruff scalp does not have to be a hard daunting task to undertake.  

Using the proper hair care products that contain jojoba is a good start. Jojoba is known to moisturize the scalp and promote good health to the scalp and hair. Jojoba oil works as a natural moisturizer that is similar to what our own body secretes, so there is no oily build up. Whether you have a dry or oily scalp jojoba oil will adjust to the proper pH of your scalp.  

Tea tree oil is a great treatment for anyone with an itchy scalp and dandruff. It helps by treating the dry scalp, balances the pH levels and helps the cells and hair follicles to be clean and unclogged of debris.  

Neem is a great natural cure for itchy dandruff scalp. Neem originates from India and is wonderful as an effective fungicide. It not only treats a dry itchy dandruff scalp but is also good for anyone that suffers from psoriasis. It relieves redness and an itchy scalp by applying it directly to the scalp. Need works fast relieving dandruff, without having to resort to evasive scalp products.  

Coconut oil is another excellent natural cure for itchy dandruff scalp. Unrefined virgin coconut oil is one of the best overall scalp and hair treatments for eliminating dryness, itchiness, and dandruff. Warming coconut oil and massaging it into the scalp and leaving it on for approximately 4 hours will help to regulate the scalp.  

Don't overuse shampoos and conditioners on the scalp. This can cause the scalp to become irritated which can cause dandruff and itchiness. Try one of the remedies for a few weeks to see how it works. Dandruff is a chronic condition and can sometimes be stubborn to get rid of but always remember to be persistent, to see results.