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Itchy Scalp and Hair Loss - Is There a Connection Between Itchy Scalp and Hair Loss?


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Is there a connection between itchy scalp and hair loss? The quick answer is yes.

It does not mean though that once you start having itchy scalp, hair loss or baldness will eventually follow. There are just some health conditions that lead to hair loss which manifest themselves as itchy scalp. If your scalp is feeling itchy, then you should immediately determine what is causing this problem. The major ones will be discussed here in this article. So if you or anyone you know is constantly scratching his or her head, read on and you just might find the solution here. You will read in this article the real connection between itchy scalp and hair loss.

The first thing that you need to know is the cause of the itchy scalp. Our scalp naturally secrets oil which is known as sebum. This oil has a purpose and it is to provide nutrients to the hair and protect the hair follicle shaft at the same time. The problem is that, sometimes the scalp excretes an excessive amount of sebum. When this happens, the scalp and hair becomes excessively oily. The oil is not bad but an oily environment can become a breeding ground for bacteria because of the fact that it collects dirt. The bacteria cause a condition known as dermatitis. Some of the major symptoms of dermatitis include inflammation, flaking and sever itching. The condition can be aggravated by the use of wrong hair grooming products especially those that leave residue in the hair and scalp. Environmental factors such as dirt and dust in the surrounding can also make things worse.

Now where does hair loss come in the picture you may ask? If left untreated, dermatitis can eventually lead to the loss of hair. As the condition affects a big part of the scalp, the more chances that the lose of hair will occur. It can also be the result of other scalp infection such as psoriasis and ringworm. Now that you know that itchy scalp and hair loss is connected you are probably not aware of the importance of treating this condition as soon as you notice it. There are several things that you can do. Since its root cause is the over production of sebum, then sebum control can be an effective way to treat an itchy scalp.

There are specialty shampoos made specifically for itchy scalp. Just choose one that is made with natural ingredients and do not leave any chemical residue. One of the ingredients that you should look out for is Zinc which is known to be effective in controlling sebum secretion.