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Ask the Hair Doctor June 24, 2011 allotment II


Click "show more" to jump to specific questions!! Lisa Akbari begins her new series: Ask the Hair Doctor! Submit your questions on the following link: Ask the Hair Doctor: June 24, 2011 part II 0:17 Hey there 1. I wanted to ask about protein. I read that we should be looking for hydrolyzed proteins in our products because these molecules are small enough to fit in the gaps in the hair strand. Is this true? 2. 0:57 Also, Is there a particular type of protein we should be looking for? 3. 1:09 Also, I have very porous hair and thought because of this I will need a lot of protein. Is this a theory I should be working with? 4. 1:59 When I used the GPB Glycogen Protein Conditioner (by Aubrey Organics) my hair seemed to get really dry and I was told it was a protein overload. Other then shine, should my hair be doing any more to show me that it protein/moisture balanced? Thank you :) 5. 3:19 sorry I have another question about regiments. At the moment I am detangling my hair and twisting it up before I shampoo and deep condition - is this ok or should my hair be loose to ensure that every strand can soak up the shampoo and conditioner? 6. 7:01 Also I alternate conditioners each week. For example one week I'll Repair Deep Conditioner and the following week a moisturizing deep conditioner. I have been doing this as I dont want to get a protein overload - do you think this is ok? Thanks again :) 8:16 Is castor oil a good oil to use on the hair? 9:20 I see your ...