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Accutane Month 5


Treatment was extended to August because I stayed on the 30 mg for 2 months rather than 1 (my derm wants to decrease the chances of my acne coming back). Trying new, unrefined and all natural products from unrefined shea butter and african black soap. (both taken from AFRICAN BLACK SOAP: "...used to treat rashes, acne, eczema, dandruff, body odor and much more. The African black soap helps keep the skin clean and helps against premature facial lines. It is great for showering, bathing, washing of the hair, face and the feet. Black Soap is recommended for the young and the old. Black soap leaves the skin smooth and soft & as a facial soap it is excellent for clearing acne. ...used in Africa for the treatment of rashes, ring worm, eczema and also as a natural hair shampoo to avoid itchy and dry scalps." UNREFINED SHEA BUTTER: "...used to moisturize and protect the skin from sun, wind, heat and salt water. It is known as the most effective skin moisturizer and conditioner because of its high content of non-saponifiable fats including vitamin F. It is an excellent skin moistener and is used for aging skin, eczema and all forms of massage. It is also used to relax the muscles and to treat sprains wounds and colds. The unique formula of Shea butter also helps prevent and protect dry skin providing temporal relief from irritation, dryness and wind burned skin." In regards to other Accutane side effects, I'm having trouble concentrating ...