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Lush Haul!!!


Hey everyone :) So I went a little crazy at LUSH today and wanted to share my goodies with you!!! Once again, if you have sensative skin these products are great!! but you can also use them even if you do not have sensative skin. So here we go! Pop in the bath bubble bar: $6.15 Uplifting citrus bubble bath brighten outlooks Do you ever reminisce about summers past when you got lost in fields of flowers and had a good time? Well, then try a Pop in the Bath bubble bar. Let its soothing bergamot and invigorating citrus oils lift you out of the doldrums. We make four different colored bouquets of bubbles, each as lovely as the next, so you never know which one you're going to get. Angel's delight soap: $5.95 3.5oz Why do angels come down to earth at Christmas? To grab their limited edition fruity soap like everyone else. We imagine if we did not bring back Angel's Delight this year, our LUSH customers would not act very angelically. There would be riots and protests until we started making it. If you haven't tried it, we'll tell you why it's so popular. It is bright pink, fruity, studded with multicoloured soap shapes and scattered with glitter and stars. It's inspired by kaleidoscopes and smells of jelly beans. It delights both angels and mere mortals by refreshing and cleansing your skin and stimulating your spirit. Soak and float solid shampoo: $9.25 Eliminates dandruff with a unique campfire recipe Tried everything to soothe your dry, itchy scalp? Soak and Float's unique ...