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All Natural Body Wash from the natural blend


Mix all natural body lotion natural part of a completely natural product formulated without chemicals, skin care products without synthetic ingredients or synthetic, contains no animal fats or products, no dyes or perfumes. Only the combination of natural cleansing of the body of great work to help reduce acne, wrinkles, eczema, rosacea and reduce fighting more. A shower gel with a mild detergent and extracts of medicinal plants, which together with your body to help your skin what it wasdesigned to do, treat and protect your body. Since the first use of a mixture of washing the body's natural, you know that washing soaps and body formulated chemical used to use. First of all, should not foam at the top. Most liquid soaps contain commercially formulated SLS (sodium laurel sulfate), which is cheap and easy to foam soaps, shower gels, shampoos, etc. Also SLS irritate the skin, behind a film on the sheets of skin. Foam isNot only is it necessary to purify the body, in most cases is not healthy. Then, if you mix a natural skin color bath gel, the skin is very clean, not a movie. Try the body wash the hair and scalp. Again, you will not find a good foam, but what we found is that the hair is soft and clean, without all the chemicals in the ingredients list of shampoos are currently using. It 'very useful if you have...