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Mushroom-NYC (212) -644 in 9494-NYC-fungal

-----------------ใส่ตรงนี้คับ---------------- (212) -644 9494 to fungal skin infections, fungal skin infections (ringworm, tinea) Microscopic organisms called fungi or the size of the mushrooms are everywhere. Usually, they live on our skin without causing problems. In some cases, growing out of control and fungal infections of the skin, hair and nails. The fungal skin infections are very common, especially in children, but can affect people of all ages. They can occur anywhere in the body and lead to a variety ofThe symptoms vary depending on the type and location of the fungus. Symptoms of fungal infections of the skin: itchy red, raised, scaly patches may blister and ooze. The patches often have sharp edges. They are often red on the outside with normal skin color at the center. This may seem like a ring. The skin may also be too dark or light. If you are infected scalp or beard, you can create a bat. If the nails are infected, and can vanishthick. Being diagnosed with a fungal or yeast infection? The doctor diagnosed a fungal infection mainly the skin's appearance. Another test is Wood's lamp, the fluorescent light makes some fungi appear as blue light. The skin can be scraped to obtain cells for microscopic examination. Sometimes you need to remove or clean the skin of a "culture" that is sent to a laboratory for identification. What are the different types of fungal or yeast infections? Some...