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Itchy Scalp Hair Loss - What You Need to Know


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Having an itchy scalp and experiencing loss of hair at the same time can be a very distressing condition. Not only is there the constant itch and need to scratch, the very idea of losing hair is not one that should be taken lightly.

The causes of an itchy scalp and hair loss are many and varied however there are two main concerns when looking for a cure. Has the itching started as a result of losing some hair or has the hair loss started as a result of having an itchy scalp?

If we can answer this question we will have a better idea of where to look next. If you have suffered from hair loss before your scalp became itchy there is a good chance that the itchiness is caused by your hair's natural re-growth cycle. There may be any number of dead follicles in your scalp that are slowly being replaced by new healthy follicles. In this situation olive oil can help to calm the itchiness and prevent your scalp from becoming too dry.

Hair falling out because of a scalp condition is likely to be a bit more serious and may require medical attention. Once again there are a number of causes including Ringworm of the Scalp, Folliculitis, Eczema or Seborrhoeic Dermatitis and the most common cause, Psoriasis.

Ringworm of the scalp is a contagious fungal infection that is usually quite aggressive and requires treatment with products that contain miconazole or clotrimazole. The usual signs of ringworm of the scalp are red, itchy patches and hair loss. If left untreated this condition can get very nasty!

Folliculitis is also an infection, this time of the hair follicle themselves. This condition is usually caused by harsh chemicals in hair products and when left untreated can result in damage to the follicle leading to loss of hair. Antibiotics are used in the treatment of Folliculitis.

Eczema or Seborrhoeic Dermatitis is a reaction to an excess amount of yeast in the scalp. The symptoms of this condition are usually a dry, itchy and flaky scalp and sometimes temporary hair loss. Returning the scalp to it's natural ph balance is important where this condition is present and this usually involves using an all natural shampoo that is free from harsh chemicals.

The more common Psoriasis is a non-contagious skin disease and the symptoms usually involve severe itching and temporary loss of hair. This condition is the result of the skin cells replacing themselves too quickly which causes red lesions covered with scale to appear. Using a shampoo with good anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties will help to combat Psoriasis.

As you can see there are a number of itchy scalp hair loss causes and the good news is that there are plenty of options available to you to get on top of this problem. Naturally you should always consult your health professional before starting with any form of treatment.