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Do Remedies For Dry Scalp Really Work?


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There are literally hundreds of remedies for dry scalp - over-the-counter shampoos and creams, prescription concoctions and home-made recipes all claiming to relieve the torment of dry, itchy scalp. How do you know which ones really work? To some degree it will be trial and error to find the remedy that works for you, as every person has different body chemistry, uses different shampoos and styling products and has different styling routines. Finding a remedy that really works for you will involve a level of detective work to find the source of your dry scalp.

There are many different causes of dry scalp - but mainly they are categorized into internal and external causes. Internal causes are generally due to poor nutrition or poor health. Your scalp will not be the only skin that demonstrates the effects of vitamin deficiencies - basically the lack of enough vitamin C or B will cause skin problems so be sure you are getting enough of these important nutrients. External causes are more likely to be environmental (weather, air-conditioning etc) or self-induced through over processing or using product with harsh detergents or chemicals. You can't control the weather, but you can control the products you use and how you treat your scalp - and when problems occur you can choose one of the many remedies for dry scalp to help restore scalp health.

You may have heard it said before that we are 'too clean' in our modern era. It is not that we want to be dirty, but over washing of our skin and our hair has led to a host of problems as we strip away the natural oils that protect our skin from damage. One of the best remedies for dry scalp is to simply wash your hair less often. If this isn't practical then you want to look at changing the products you use to avoid harsh detergents and chemicals. Once you have done this it will be simple to keep your scalp from getting dry in the future.

To start the healing process choose one of the remedies for dry scalp that uses natural ingredients and contains jojoba or coconut oil to help your body restore natural oil production. If you have dandruff use a shampoo that contains zinc pyrithione or selenium sulfide, but only once a week so as not to over-dry the scalp. Dry scalp can be a problem of the past if you respect your skin and use gentle effective products.